Friday, August 26, 2005

Bride of the Tiltawhirl

Lola found this crazy thing in her neighborhood (NoCal).

But... I'm a bit confounded so I'm gonna work it out here, with all my peeps. We know Bride of Frankenstein & Bride of Chuckie ... (the list goes on) but who is this Bride of the Tiltawhirl? What's her deal? How did it happen, these two, falling in love? My initial venture is.... it's all about "the ride", but I bet she's stationary while Tiltawhirl spins. Mmmmm.... the balance. We all know that shit, right? Scout spins while Navigator maps the maniacal twirling swirling dirvish. Everyone gets what they want and what they need.

And THAT'S my F**ing point!!! And that is precisely why I married (we all married???) this Dude.... who abides. Brent is the Bride of the Tiltawhirl. Enough said.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think this bride is married, I believe she was stood up at the altar and is now in search of the fool that left her standing there alone ready to state before witnessess her devotion to another. The statement is - no river wide enough, no mountain or tiltawhirl high enough to keep my love from you. I might also add that if she was whirling while she was searching she just might get sick.

Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:27:00 AM  
Blogger Northstar Gone Lone Star said...

OK, Corona. I kinda see the hood too. This picture disturbs me somehow, though I can't quite put my finger on why.

I'm in Minneapolis again this week, so I'm not sure if Katrina threw weather at DFW, but I think Deb would have mentioned it.

I went to the Minnesota State Fair tonight. Ate a foot-long & a taco, had a couple beers. Wandered around by myself & looked at all the people. Wandered through the Midway. Wathed the swing ride, the Tilt-A-Whirl, and all the other crazy rides.

Then, as I headed out, I could hear this killer guitar player. I followed the sound & had a "moment" watching a kid playing a red sunburst Les Paul. The kid could really play. The best part was he & his band were playing at the Mon Cherie French Crepe booth. He took these huge solos, keeping up his end, and really wowing the small crowd gathered around the tiny stage. It was one of those quirky little things you can always count on stumbling across at the Fair.

James Taylor was the big show at the grandstand tonight. I heard him playing as I walked by. I think he was doing That's Why I'm Here. It sounded good, but I'm really glad I supported local music for a few songs. It was the highlight of my night. That and running into one my son's best friends & his parents.

Anyway, sorry I missed you here. Hope things are good.

St. Maniac lives.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's kind of a pain for me to log in and surf and blog while I'm here in the Minnie-Apple. Access is severely limited in the new "corporate" environment at the Marshall Field's studio. I stop at coffee shops with wi-fi so I can check emails & the blog & do some surfing. Right now I'm on my Mom's dial-up connection. I have her house to myself tonight-she's gone out of town.

I'm sorry I never got to read the comments you got back from the pro reader you hired. Too many other wonderful things going on that weekend. I'd love to read the rewrites when you finish them. I don't need to say it, but don't give up. Git 'er done, girl.

I'm off for tonight. I fly home after work tomorrow, my daughter's coming to Texas on Saturday. I'll check in sometime, but it'll be hit & miss until after Labor Day. Speaking of that, Have a great weekend, TC & everyone.

Thursday, September 01, 2005 7:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Machinery Hill is pretty much gone these days. There's a kiddie Midway there now, along with lots of car, 4-wheeler, and motorcycle displays. The food is all still there. i had planned on having an ear of roasted corn, but I was too full to do it.

See, we could really do this right. Meet up at Wendy & Brent's place on a Saturday. A day at the Fair, caravan to the North Shore for a few days of Superior bliss. Back to the Twin Cities for farewells. I think we gotta put this thing together.

Thursday, September 01, 2005 9:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear ya, Sugar Dog. More disposable income would be a truly good thing. Don't give up on it yet. This is a truly talented group-we may all do well yet. Beyond that, love and desire and hope makes things happen.

That said, let's focus on what happening on the Gulf coast. They need all the positive energy and loving thoughts they can get. It all overwhelms me. I've been to New Orleans. My Mom still owns a time-share week in the French Quarter. I can't believe the devastation. And I can't believe the fucked-up response coming from DC. People have been dying while Shrub's been on vacation and making fundraising speeches. has a good post if you have the time.

Thursday, September 01, 2005 9:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're right about the ratio. The evil people are in the minority. Good for your community for helping out. We don't have the cash to give a donation right now. But we'll talk and I'm sure we'll come up with some way to help out.

Deb says maybe this will finally get Bush & some of his Repug cohorts out of office. One can only hope. They aren't exactly showing stellar leadership, so maybe the American populace will wake up. This is seriously going to cut into everyone's fun-factor. That's usually what it takes to get our attention.

Back to good juju, we should start planning the Superior trip. The problem for all of us may be travel costs. Gas is going to remain pretty high for the forseeable future, as will jet fuel. That means higher airfare. I guess we'll have to see what shakes out.

Thursday, September 01, 2005 10:44:00 PM  
Blogger wendy lewis said...

Lots happening here and it's all good. First of all, Sugar, that is an awesome NY response to a family from the devastation of New Orleans. Keep me posted on how that pans out.

Northstar.... Brent & I have been discussing the political fallout from this tragedy for days.... and while no one ever wants this kind of horrific event to wake the sleeping, it does seem to be what it takes. I mean.... the deep irony is that the Bushies emptied the federal emergency coiffures (what a bright national response to 9/11!) not to mention sending all the reserve troops to Iraq. Homeland Security? Right!!!! People are dying every day in New Orleans, the city has fallen into desperate anarchy.... and no one has a plan. How can this be? I could go on and on and on..... it's madness...!.... the only redemption is that all this will be inked in bold print on papers across the country. We are surviving a truly evil administration, and I don't use that word lightly or often.

and... ahem... ok.... reeling myself back into our world, this S&N reunion/northshore/fair plan is truly awesome. let's DO IT. we can certainly put everyone up here in one form or another & have neighbors who are willing to offer space as well. i'll start checking places on the shore.

love you all.....

Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The nightmare is unbelievable, yet inevitable. Some think things have to get really bad before they get better. Would this be the catalyst? Lotta pissed off folks. Be prepared for the ramifications of what will unfold. There will be many and they will not be immediate. It will not be a bed of roses. And be sure to hope nothing else falls apart in the meantime, 'cause our gov'ment isn't there for us anymore.
I'm walking on eggshells here.

Friday, September 02, 2005 5:50:00 PM  
Blogger Northstar Gone Lone Star said...

Preach it, Reverend. Preach it loud.

We got a call from our neighbor this morning, letting us know that a busload of refugees is coming in today to our town. They're being put up at the AmeriSuites hotel. The Hurst volunteers are interviewing everyone when they arrive, so we'll find out what we can donate later today.

The people must do what the government fails to do. In this case, that would seem to be about everything. My biggest fear is that that the Bush & Norquist disciples will use it as proof that the government needn't play a large role because the private sector really can handle it.

Saturday, September 03, 2005 11:32:00 AM  

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