Monday, October 23, 2006

Parting Shots

One thing I learned about my beloved husbundt tonight was that he covets a blue 1950's toilet. I know my next mission.

Just had to share this, from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Wish we could have stayed there, just to tempt fate.

This, our last stop in Sheridan, Wyoming, as Brent has already intimated, is the motel we want to take in our car in a Ziploc bag and unfold for every stop along our next journey to anywhere. Humble presentation, hi-fi friendly service, clean retro room, WWII Pacific war TV (20,000 American casualties and 6,000 deaths in one battle on Iwo Jima -- can't wrap our brains or consciousness around it at all), and all for $50 including tax. Our neighbors were unbelievably loud for an hour and a half (Brent kept peeking out the curtain) -- sounded like they were stomping around their room w/ lead boots on, but all is quiet now.

It's time for bed now. The train is coming through town... the whistle is blowing. I can't stand it... it's too nostalgic. Ouch.

Finally, here's what it's really all about. Ahhh.... the endless.... eternal.... and abiding....

Thanks for coming along with us. It's been quite a ride.



Blogger ndronen said...

Nice prairie photo. I think I know now what you meant about that psychadelic vision of the cowboy you had the other time you passed through. (Typing with one finger on a broken ibook is the poo.)

Monday, October 23, 2006 5:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

go well and safe journey home.

Monday, October 23, 2006 9:31:00 AM  

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