Thursday, October 19, 2006

Klipsan Beach Cottages Cozy Action Times Love Action

Here I am posting from the toilet; it ain't so bad ... a few years ago, this travel 'blogging wouldn't have been possible anyway. The Scout is out in the dining area blogging away. I realized something today: We had to inform Denny (the owner) that we would be staying an extra day by 11AM. I threw on some clothes, made some coffee, and walked around looking for him or his wife, Mary. I could see some smoke from a fire billowing from behind their complex, so I found my way back there through the gardens and yards and said, "good day for a fire, huh!?" Denny said, "Yeah, I've been waiting all Summer for this ... we had a fire ban in effect until last week. How are you two doing? Everything going fine?". I answered, "Everything is perfect." He lit up a Winston and we continued talking about living in a small community and all that. But, the mind-stirring thing about hanging out with him was that I could see myself doing what he does - like he was me a few decades down the road --- which lead me to wonder if the Scout and I are destined for resort-owner status ... maybe a fitting retirement occupation?

Hosting different people and return customers in an official way, like we do on our own porch in Cannon Falls. Scout concurs. So, for the next 10 years or so, I think we'll be keeping our eyes and ears open for some kind of property that we could retire on hosting people from around the country. I think we could pull it off ... all this proves is that a vacation of this sort makes you look closer at time, retirement, and ways to survive happily until you tip over for good.

(P.S. I love you, Wendy ........ not kidding at all in the least for sure you bet duh!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's the best idea I have heard in a long guys running a nice little B & B. You already do for the likes of me, how many people have i brought to cannon falls already?!

i can't wait to hear about your trip in person. I didn't realize you were going to stop in Eureka, CA. my car broke down in Humboldt county on a road trip once; that's a story for the porch.

i've been catching up on your old blogs that i never looked at...i've been wondering why Corky wasn't invited on your trip. I suppose three is a crowd, and he looks a handful.

Thursday, October 19, 2006 1:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like that feeling you get when you visit a place you've never been before, and you spend enough time to start to know the names of the nearby towns, the bad bars, the good cafes, a few first names. Even if its not a beautiful or exotic place, its still some sort of reminder that, shit, your home is not the only home, and that all these places are more than just places, but fully fleshed-out, complicated, rich little worlds existing and proceeding almost totally separate from you and your little day-to-day world. I'm not sure where I was going with this...

Friday, October 20, 2006 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm a little late to the game here because while you guys are out adventuring in the Pacific NW I've been sitting in a hotel conference room drinking the corporate kool aid. Sounds like you guys are having a blast! Don't let me forget to tell you about seeing the Big Lebowski in a bathrobe at the Boulder Theatre with my special lady friend. The Dude abides! See ya when you get back to reality......

Friday, October 20, 2006 8:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh how i miss thee... i wish i was curled up in that barcalounger right there chillin' on my computer with you guys, once again being Apple poster children...

come home!!! or next time take me with you... grr...


Saturday, October 21, 2006 1:20:00 PM  

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