Playing Catch-up.. again
We've been gone again for many months. Sorry. Or maybe I shouldn't apologize because it's not like any of you are waiting on the edge of your seat for another S&N post. In any case, here are our latest adventures.
Brent and I took our second tour in the U.P (the upper peninsula of Michigan). I had brought him up here a couple weeks ago, knowing he would fall in love with it after having been here with Kitty in August. The first thing we did, after scarfing down a couple pasties (a meat and potato pie the Cornish immigrants brought to this area many years ago) at Joe's Pasty shop, was to browse through Dan's Antiques. I'd spied a 1950's kitchen table when Kitty and I were here and was hoping no one had purchased it since. It was there and I gleefully bought it promising the proprietors we'd come back to get it as soon as possible. It was time to retrieve it and Miss Vickie generously loaned us her van. The next time any of you commune on our porch, you'll appreciate leaning on this table. It's a beauty... AND... it was cheap! My favorite combination.
Anyway, we found a cute little place upon arriving in Ironwood tonight called Quinn's Motel, for $32.80 (including tax) in the city of Ironwood. The proprietor, Leila, was all too happy to make sure we were happy. She wants our business the next time we come up. "Come up"—that's what it's called 'round heah when you arrive. We had dinner at Don & GG's—killer ribs and NY strip specials (we got one of each) and moved on to a bar called Spider's in Hurley WI,bordering Ironwood MI to the southwest.
We played pool, which I pulled off in a predictably mediocre fashion while Brent, as usual, kicked my ass and held forth at the jukebox as well lining up songs like The Wait, Back in Black and Won't Get Fooled Again. Then we returned to our stinky little motel room and were thrilled to stumble across Wilco on Austin City Limits—I mean, we came in on the first song—and got to hear the entire new recording Sky Blue Sky on stage. If you don't have it, go get it right now. You won't be disappointed. And, this godforsaken little hovel of a motel had Wi-Fi. I mean... c'mon... is this our home away from home or what? The only issue is that they get the largest snowfalls of any city in America. It's all that wind effects shit off the lake. So, getting there might be easy in the winter, but getting home might be impossible. Who needs to go home if you don't have to work on Monday especially when the room is less than what gas costs to drive up there? I ponder if I could live in a trailer and work at the pasty shop for the rest of my life. We are all about being downwardly mobile—we're half way there already.
Back to Cannon Falls and hum drum life as we know it, but then, brilliantly...
...Brent endeavors to take up the role of Sushi Chef. Classy! I'll be encouraging this obsession for years to come.
Finally, a shout out to Max Reed, Guy's dad, who flew into the clouds after 84 years navigating the planet in his own unique and clever way. The send-off was great—I have to say—plenty of stories, great photographs to peruse, the full regalia at Fort Snelling (color guard, taps,a six-gun salute) ending with a comfy gathering at his niece's Tootie's house. These events are always a confusing mix of sadness and joy but I think we all agreed that he lived and died well. I would hope that those I leave behind one day will say the same for me.
Max had repeatedly asked to be buried in a pine box. Those are difficult to procure these days, but his family managed to make it happen.
We'll miss you, Max. Rest well.... or go get into some good trouble wherever it is we go after all this earthtime.
Thank you.
This edge of the seat shit is painful.
Is it me?
Am I killing these comment threads? I seem to be the last poster on many of them. And here I'm the first and last.....
I swear whatever you smelt was not dealt by me!
Fine, I'll just keep posting all by myself then.
Postpostpostpostpostpost. Oh, hey, how's it going Fatguy?
Max heard you, Fatguy.
Sorry to be so late to the party...
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