Tuesday, August 09, 2005

"Tut, tut.... looks like rain!"

Here's the B-Rent post-parking-lot-mow-down. Our awesome neighbors Natalie and Kent offered us their lots for wedding bash parking, since they have yet to put their house up. Without them, I think we might have gotten the attention of the local police.... cars parked from our house to town. The head count is beyond 450 at this point.

Anyway, he was covered in grass & dirt and very sweaty. It was really hot & humid today. Pretty cute, I have to say. At the risk of sounding really stupid and too precious and embarrassing myself, he's just cuter 'n shit ALL THE TIME. That's what love does, I guess.... turns you into a driveling moron.... and hopefully for the rest of your lives together. (But, for those of you who know him well, I'm certain you have to agree.... true?)

OK. Enough Brent gushing. Kitty & I off to pick up Lola & Guy from NoCal at the airport. Tomorrow, my sister Cee in the AM and in the early afternoon, Sugar Q Super Dog & familia. Trisha Cornona on Thursday .... and then freakin' showdown. But there will be more to come.... stay tuned.

T Minus 4 days and counting.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm splashing around in the pile of slaughtered grass thinking, God this guy. And I say to Brent, I say, Brent, you are so cute. And Brent says cute or not, it looks like rain I better pack up the John Deere and get back to town. He slides the ramp out of the truck bed and jumps on it once to make sure it's solid on the ground. He and the mower bounce little slow motion bounces as he chugs it up the ramp into the truck. We get in the cab and drive away. Everything smells like grass.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005 10:51:00 PM  
Blogger Northstar Gone Lone Star said...

Maybe you guys should cover your asses and invite the whole freakin' town. At least all the neighbors within a mile or two radius.

Hey did I ever tell you guys I was nearly killed leaving your house that morning? Some guy in a big Ford pickup well over the center line and going like a bat out of hell straight at me on a curve as I was driving up the hill away from your house. Woke me up more than your coffee had, I dare say.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005 11:03:00 PM  
Blogger Brent Sigmeth said...

SQSD: Good one ... now, get some sleep and get here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NSGLS: WHAT!?!?!? I'll just say that I'm very glad that you're alive ... but, if Ford driver took you out, I'd be damn glad that I met you before you left. Can't wait to see you and yours in a couple days! We'll save plenty of provisions!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 12:50:00 AM  
Blogger Northstar Gone Lone Star said...

That is an excellent turn of phrase. Someone should take credit.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 11:32:00 AM  
Blogger Northstar Gone Lone Star said...

Is everyone now safely ensconced at Casa Siglewjen? With drinks in-hand and laptops on the table?

Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:35:00 AM  
Blogger Northstar Gone Lone Star said...

I am home, gathering together the things for a road trip. You know, clothes and toiletries and camera and cooler and tent and sleeping bags. Also trying to tie up all the little loose ends before we leave for a week. Stop mail-check. Stop newspaper-check. Carton of smokes-check. Lights on timers-check. A bit of cash-check. Mow the lawn-tomorrow morning. Pack the car-ditto.

We hit the road tomorrow evening & we'll drive to at least Kansas City before we stop. Hopefully we'll get a little farther or we'll cut it pretty close on making the nuptuals on time. But, WE WILL BE THERE!!! Save me a cold one.

How was the flight?

Thursday, August 11, 2005 12:30:00 PM  
Blogger Northstar Gone Lone Star said...

Dance naked by a bonfire—it's much better for the soul than typing.

Thursday, August 11, 2005 4:00:00 PM  

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