Thursday, February 22, 2007

Midnight Obsessions

Brent has been following the Scooter Libby trial with great interest and the kind of focus only the B-Rent can pull off for weeks. There are a team of political bloggers who have been in the courtroom typing live transcripts on the internet as it happens for the duration of the trial and then posting a video commentary at the end of each day, which we've been watching nightly. It's been fascinating... sorta like watching the World Series. The jury is in diliberation now.

Caught in the act of going politico....


Blogger Fatguy said...

but....but....whatabout whatshernames corpse? What's up with that?

Just kidding.
What's great about the ol' Scooter trial is we've essentially found out both Shrub and Dickface were guilty as sin.
But nobody cares.
Wait, who's in rehab?

Friday, February 23, 2007 5:18:00 PM  
Blogger Fatguy said...


But you get to call him No. 2?

Don't be hiding behind any bushes doing your quail impersonation....

whoa, got lost there in that last in a colon and some rice....

Monday, February 26, 2007 7:28:00 PM  

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