Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Meet Kitty: Next Born Bridesmaid

This picture of Kitty was taken just weeks after the one (below) of her sister Hannah. It was the first day of school and the first year she went down the driveway without her sister Hannah. I tell young mothers one of the most important things for them to learn is how to monitor the moods of their children. What you see on the outside is not always what's going on inside, and as most of you would have to agree, Kitty is clearly as depressed as her sister. Nevermind she had moved her boudoir into the entire top floor of the house, had co-opted the biggest TV, a phone and the car was hers 24/7.

Kitty is finishing her junior year in high school. She was the first one to ask me, "Mom.... are you and Brent going to get married?" We were speeding down Hwy 52 and I remember the sound of gravel and the edge of a cornfield in my peripheral vision while I calmly and intelligently responded ...."Well... Ummm.... Uhhhh.... I..... mmmm.... well?..... hhhmmmm.... ?" I think she was the first to know about this wedding.... even before Brent and I did. She also is the kind of girl who gets what she wants.

We love each other.


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