Friday, June 24, 2005

Meet Cynthia: Sister & Guide to the Bride

My graceful, lovely & talented sister Cynthia did her best to teach me the ways of femininity from my earliest beginnings even if I was a bad student. In this photo, she was patiently pointing out the finer points of frills and fru-fru and while it seems I was paying attention, mostly I wanted desperately to get out of that itchy dress. Still, I loved her attention, which she has lavishly bestowed upon me from the day I was born. She has put up with my mercurial ways longer than anyone and miraculously loved me through it all. She is my hero.

We started road tripping together as kids (for a story, go to and among myriad other titles (including Loyal Confidant, Best Listener, Steadfast Savior, Organizational Wizard, Queen of Hearts) has long been my favorite Road Warrior. We've logged in many miles together over the years surviving navigational mishaps, predatory gas station attendants below the Mason Dixon line, driving rain, traffic jams, food poisoning, NY city tunnels, lecherous truckers and always landed in some Denny's restaurant in the middle of nowhere at 3am choking on our eggs because we couldn't stop laughing and neither of us knew why.

She'll be arriving the week of the wedding just in time to gently shepherd me through the final days of preparations, reminding me of all the things I'd forget if she wasn't there. That's why I'm adding Bride Guide to her illustrious list of titles.

I love you, Cee. We can get anywhere together. When's the next beach trip?

xoxo Wee


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an awesome picture! Totally freaking me out how much Kitty looked just like you at that

Friday, June 24, 2005 8:35:00 PM  
Blogger wendy lewis said...

you think kitty looked like me? funny. her eyes are really different but since i'm not looking at the camera.... i can see some resemblance there.

i love how i'm squishing my doll, who is bent over in a hurling position.

Saturday, June 25, 2005 1:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I'd forgotten that pic even existed! Yeah, babe, we've been through alot in our sisterly lives. There for each other in a million ways until the end ...

How about the beach NOW?!?

I love you to pieces! [h] yer Cee

Sunday, June 26, 2005 12:10:00 PM  

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