Friday, October 06, 2006


We had a perfect time visiting Bob & Ginny Crawford in Loveland, Colorado. Bob & Ginny are Wendy's outlaw aunt & uncle, meaning, Harry's mom's sister & 2nd husband. They lived in Fargo, SD for many years, but have recently moved out to Colorado to be closer to their kids; Nick & Eric (son, Tyler) are in a 25 mile radius and Ted & family are in California (a shorter flight).

A great dinner with Eric and Nick's friend, Brian, was served, and then hours of open and inspiring conversation kept us up late until we all turned in. For me, one highlight was Bob gratiously sharing his experiences as a Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol team member (Ranger) in Vietnam (1966-1967). It was the first time I was able to hear of experiences like his first hand, and for that I am grateful to him.

The next morning, after some blueberry pancakes, bacon, and orange juice, Wendy and Ginny went for a walk through a local sculpture garden while Bob & I travelled around the world using Google Earth. We started with the World's largest wooden blimp hanger in Tellamook, Oregon (his hometown), then onto Pleiku, Vietnam, our home in Cannon Falls, and finally Bob's birthplace, Wales, UK. I LOVE GOOGLE EARTH!

So, we left well-fed, well-rested, and ready for the next adventure. Thanks, Bob & Ginny, Eric, and Brian!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From very special corners of our universes ... blessed be to those who are brave enough to tell their stories. Yay Bob, Ginny ei al!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006 6:50:00 PM  

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