Kitty: The Uncrowned Homecoming Queen

Here she is.... copping attitude prior to the coronation festivities.... putting her game face on, dig? This is a role no one, not even Kitty, ever thought she'd be studying for. But, I think she was "getting it" by utilizing her inherent method acting skills. She also had her nails professionally manicured days before and nevermind that she broke one of them, but so go the ways of our hapless art baby. Only she could survive a nail break in the face of such tension.

The coronation ceremony was action packed with lots of ramp up entertainment including the rousing marching band numbers and a fellow classmate singing the entire version of "If I Were a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the Roof. (I'm still trying to figure out how that song related to the event, but .... whatever.) She didn't win the title but (willfully if a bit begrudgingly) upheld her duties as a member of the court throughout an exhausting week of Homecoming activities on top of homework, midterms and her work & party schedules. She, by the way, was the one who rendered the BLACK letters in the HOMECOMING banner displayed above the royalty troupe, scoffing quietly about whomever drew the substandard RED letters. Needless to say, Kitty has other talents beyond her beauty, brains and ability to lose with style. Below, a final photograph of she and her escort Travis (T-Ravis or Earnest T, as I've lately referred to him) who is known for sporting the Tshirt around town he made for himself with LESBIAN emblazoned across it. As they were introducing the couples during their ceremonius walk towards the stage, the MC quoted Earnest T-Ravis as saying his future plans included revolution.

Miss Kitty probably doesn't want Homecoming Queen on her resume anyway. She looks stunning regardless.
TC....damn girl.... she will LOVE YOU for noticing those shoes. ask her about those shoes!!!
email me about how your weekend is going....
TC must have some super-powered eyeballs. I can barely tell Kitty has feet, let alone killer shoes!
I want to see a photo of the stunning couple who escorted the lovely Kittty down the aisle at coronation!
Look at the precious way she holds her hand. the extended pinkie. So divine. So perfect.
So Kitty.
Ah, good to know the "Fiddler" legacy still holds on Cannon.
And, of course, all of Kitty's efforts will be chronicled in the all-important PERMANENT RECORD, which will enable her to receive special perks throughout the rest of her life.
I mean, we've all got our perks by now, right?
Will E. Grimm is now rockin' with one kidney; he gave the other one to his mother. Oh, and he also started his own church in Farmington or something.
I believe it was SPAXXMARR (!!)
Ok, this is weird...I feel like Kitty and i talked about Homecoming Queens when we went on our great wheat grass adventure!! You look truly wonderful in a tiara Kitty! They are still worn with some regularity around our house.
Do kings and queens return from hither and yon? I picture these ragged teens returning from a vision quest, crawling up a rocky slope, half starved and mad from thirst...The HOMECOMING!!!
(I went to a Quaker High School, we had no Homecoming)
What kind of chemicals were you mixing in your shop without proper ventilation today, Buggy?
Ya just know that if you hung that name on a kid he'd go all through school with the nickname "Boner," leading to a mountain of resentment towards his parents and a serious need for therapy to overcome the mental and emotional anguish he'd suffered while growing up. Buggy, perhaps you might want to reconsider.
I love Sophia, TC. Wisdom is a good name for a child. I'm not so sure about Clementine--is it a Southern thing? (I do love those Spanish tangerines, though.)
Awww, Breakfast ... I was looking for you to hold forth on some of your ideas for child names.
Hey -o!!!
Is that pronounced rah-bone-ay?
""boner" is better than half the nicknames i had."
Yeah, that is a lot better than Puppy Fondler, isn't it?
Oh, that wasn't your nickname? Whoops.
How about your bluesman moniker: Robert "Blind-Belly" Fales.
"Puppy Fondler". That's harsh. I have trouble typing, it's so harsh!
the an-other Anonymous
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