Post-Punk 'Pillar
This little guy was napping on my garden digger this morning. You can't see it, but he had this little round peppercorn-sized, fire-engine red thorasic segment (meaning... head). Bizarre. The entomology geek in me googled... it's a white marked tussock moth caterpillar of the Lymantriidae family. They are destructive forest munchers with a taste for hardwoods and conifers, with preference to apple, basswood, elm, poplar and maples.... all of which we have in our yard and on the acreage. Maybe I should hunt him down now and squish him under my Montrail trail running shoes. Damn. He totally wowed me with his stylin' ways and now, the leaves will pay.
Speaking of worms (close enough), B sez, "Hey! What's that white thing coming out of Romeo's butt?" Vet sez, "Hey! That's the most interesting stool sample I've seen in awhile!" Not one, not two but THREE different intestinal worms abiding in the hairy toddlers. De-worming started immediately. Don't worry... I won't take fotos of what happens in the next couple days. Ack!
Thank you for not sharing images of Romeo's misery!
Cool punked-up 'pillar. My insect interests have been running toward the wide variety of wasps we have around here. The ones that get my attention are the Cicada-Killer variety, mostly because they're so damn big—like the size of my thumb. They live in the ground and lay their eggs in the bodies of cicadas they kill and store away. I'm told they are not a threat to humans, being non-aggressive except when in the mood to mate. I've spotted at least five or six other wasp/hornet varieties, some look (and truly are) nasty little f'ers.
I'm skeert 'a wasps. I've had big allergic reactions to honey bee stings in the past.... gotta get a bee kit, just in case, because I spend a lot of time in the garden & it's been years since I've been stung but it could happen anytime. You know, sorta like dying....
Even though I'm not fond of wasps, I'm one of those people who could watch nature shows 24/7. I dig awla da creatures.
I've only been stung a couple times, by yellow jackets. Don't like it. That's why these cicada killers kinda freaked me out. They're about 3-4 times the size of a yellow jacket.
I love the nature shows, too. Learning all the new critters down here has been very interesting. Birds, lizards, snakes, bugs, spiders—lots of new (to me) varieties.
Anyone around? Mrs. NSGLS is still at work, trying to make month-end/quarter-end numbers. I'm sitting around with no one to talk to, so I thought I'd try S&N crowd.
Corona's on vacation, I know, but she should know I've finally finished up the living room tile job. Got 'er grouted today & it looks smashing. If I do say so myself.
Nice story about the bees. Eeew! I have noticed myself that certain soaps & shampoos do attract the lil critters.
I hope your break was beneficial to your spirit, Corona. It's good to see you back here on the blog. I hope you had a nice 4th. Everyone else, too.
ok.... this is crazy but i received a mailing on using Bounce dryer sheets for myriad purposes. one of them is to repel both mosquitos & bees. tuck one into pocket or waistband.... see what happens.
we have a nest of black hornets in our garage.... but we can't eradicate them until the baby birds filling a nest in the rafters get their wings -- don't want to poison them w/ hornet spray. maybe i'll try the dryer sheets and see if it has any effect at all on the hornets.
welcome back cornona.... and happy your tiles are grouted and shiny nsgls....
Better let B put the dryer sheet near the hornet nest.
So, that is postpunk..? And you think some of our tracks are postpunk?
Oh my.
It's the caterpillar pop band... Ô.ô
...yeah? well, my grass is greener.
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