Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is bearing down. I found this drawing in stylish green ink by none other than Buggy in the late 80's. As seen, he titled it "Cuckoo Turkey Bird" (with an underscoring of STUD PUPPIES/ MEAT AND DOUGHNUTS/YUM-YUM). I know this 'blog has suddenly become all things Buggy, but I ain't lying when I say that it just happens in the wild. He's got a deal happening (obviously). One might be starting to think that I got some kinda thing for Buggy and maybe I should come clean with it, but truly ... it happens right here in the wild. We were looking through Kitty's High School art portfolio today and I said, "Should I go get my High School art portfolio, too?" So, I did. But the first thing I found was a sketch tablet that had become (at some point) a community sketch tablet. Suddenly I saw the Buggy contribution. There's no way that he remembers it. I like it. A lot. Stud Puppies? Meat and doughnuts? You decide ...