Friday, April 29, 2005

FYI Reminder Suggestion Area

Just a heads-up to first-time viewers of the 'blog:

Be sure to visit the archives for the full story (or whatever we're calling it) from the beginning.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Guy Reed - The Mustache Challenge

Guy and his wife Beth are two of Wendy's dearest friends ... and I found out why last Summer when they visited from Upstate NY. We miss them always. But, all that gooshy stuff aside for now.

This particular mustache, wich is a common bi-product of the Winter-time beard, in that men who shave their beards when Spring approaches have a short window of opportunity to try out some fancy new facial hair whimsy before they get rid of it all. Guy smartly chose the handlebar mustache. Apparently there was a debate in his family between his daughters Isabel and Sadie along with Beth as to whether he should keep it or not. Beth sent Wendy a plea which read in part: "I need your back Wendy ... Guy wants to get rid of this awesome moustache (god I don't even know how to spell it). Vote yes on facial hair!"

So, Wendy and I have voted yes on facial hair for Guy. Please leave your comments along with a yes or no vote for facial hair. Thank you.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Dinner Music: Morty & Hal

Before Trailer Trash takes the stage, Morty & Hal will be performing lounge favorites from their Vegas heyday (we wanted to book Tony Clifton, but apparently he's touring Japan). Morty & Hal will provide the kind of flavor we all long for from those days of supper clubs and cocktail lounges across our great country. Bartender, another Whiskey Soda, please! And whatever Hal wants ... do it.

(Actually -- I don't know who these fellas are. I found this photo in my Granfather Frank's photo collection. He had a fascination with snapping polaroids of strangers in whatever bar, lounge, or ballroom he happened to be bartending in. This may be the cover shot for a career retrospective called: Photos of People My Grandfather Didn't Know (or something).

Scout: Casual Stroll Roll #6

Spy Cam on B-Rent's Arm Brace

(Brent says): I was showing the Dude the name on my ball: Karl Bowlinger (!!) How cool is that?

Groomsman Lynn & Big Blue Bowler Ball

The White Caucasions: Makin' Friends Tour 05

Scott, The Dude and A New Friend

At The Stardust Lanes

Here is B-Rent on his walk back from rolling yet another strike. 140? 145? 146? (On Edit: I rolled a 178) Someone correct me if I'm wrong. He was SO fronting with his "lame wing" thing (check the blue arm brace). We were had! Come to think of it.... I don't think I've seen him wear it since.

Mayo Tag

Mayo Tag
Posted by: wendylewis.

A Sad Day for the Mayo

This was the best $400 I ever spent and even as shards of rusty metal were left in its wake as it transported Kitty and Hannah here and there for 2 plus years, it remained The Little Engine that Could. What heart!

But alas, one fateful day last week, The Mayo became ....prophetically, the mayo in a mayo sandwich. The "bread slices" drove away virtually unscathed, other than a bent license plate on the offending truck in the rear.

Enter Helen & Gary, super hero capes flapping in the wind! We'll have fotos of the replacement vehicle they so generously provided soon. Farewell, Mayo. You were one noble, if high-fat, feast.

Meet Mike: Maid of Honor

This is a Still Life Action shot. There is a lot going on in this photograph. It's deep, you see? (...and it's an "art concept" I've been working on and Mike would understand exactly what it is I am talking about..... he'd say "that's what I'm talkin' about!".) We think along similar lines and planes, is what I'm trying to say, even when others don't understand and especially if they don't care. We've got each other's back, dig? He's my nephew but he's my brother.

Yeah, so.... this heprockjazzyfreakcattechnogirlyman will be standing next to me on August 13 wearing a stocking cap in the dog days of summer and looking very very cool. And that's what I'm talkin' about.

We love each other.

Meet Kirsten Hoffman: Bridesmatron Deluxe

There she is! Beloved sister of my side kick Brent. We're still getting to know each other but I am loving every minute of it. The family rumor mill has Kirsten, her husband Chuck and their little guy Mitchell moving to Cannon Falls in the not-too-distant future. Having the whole Sigmeth/Hoffman clan in one small town seems like a nice, cozy idea. Hannah, Kitty and I are proud to become a part of this awesome family.

We love each other.

Meet Kitty: Next Born Bridesmaid

This picture of Kitty was taken just weeks after the one (below) of her sister Hannah. It was the first day of school and the first year she went down the driveway without her sister Hannah. I tell young mothers one of the most important things for them to learn is how to monitor the moods of their children. What you see on the outside is not always what's going on inside, and as most of you would have to agree, Kitty is clearly as depressed as her sister. Nevermind she had moved her boudoir into the entire top floor of the house, had co-opted the biggest TV, a phone and the car was hers 24/7.

Kitty is finishing her junior year in high school. She was the first one to ask me, "Mom.... are you and Brent going to get married?" We were speeding down Hwy 52 and I remember the sound of gravel and the edge of a cornfield in my peripheral vision while I calmly and intelligently responded ...."Well... Ummm.... Uhhhh.... I..... mmmm.... well?..... hhhmmmm.... ?" I think she was the first to know about this wedding.... even before Brent and I did. She also is the kind of girl who gets what she wants.

We love each other.

Meet Hannah: First Born Bridesmade

This is how depressed Hannah was when we completed her freshman orientation days in Madison last summer. I kept telling her it was going to be okay... that she really wouldn't be that homesick, that she'd make new friends and find things to do in her spare time, if she had any. She was inconsolable, as you can see. She is now weeks away from completing her freshman year at UW Madtown. I hope she's happier now than she was that bleak day in August.

She fancies herself The Wedding Planner in addition to being a bridesmaid, and I wish we had deep checkbook to back up all her fantastic ideas. She also wants to design my dress, insisting that I will not wear a boy-sized 1960's suit & Beatle boots for the ceremony. We'll see how that tug of war plays out. Hannah is known for getting what she wants.

We love each other.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Best Mom ... Ever

This is me and my sweet Mom, Helen. Someone probably talked her into the wig stunt, because she would never think to humiliate her golden little boy like this! And now she's busy with a new little boy, Kirsten & Chuck's sweet little toddlin-about Mitchell (a photo will be appearing soon).

Mom, I'm still trying to get to the bottom of how you could be as wonderful as you are ... love you!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Best Dad ... Ever

This would be my Dad (Gary) and me. He's basically my best friend ... ever.

He came over today and helped me get the John Deere running (bad coil), so now sweet Wendy and I are prepared for the quickly growing grass. Thanks, Dad!! Much love ....

Monday, April 18, 2005

Corky-View #7 (Nashville Cat!)

I thought we should post one more "episode" of Corky before he leaves for a 4 day convention in Hackensack (?!?!?!) Whatever, Corky --- do your thing.

One must be completely insane to properly play the pedal steel guitar ... combine all-out insanity with a keen ability to be patient and you have the makings of an adequate pedal steel player. Corky is -- of course -- only pretending in this photo. Kind of like when you're President and you get your picture taken in a flight suit on the deck of an aircraft carrier, I suppose. But, Corky knows he can't play the pedal steel guitar, and he also knows that he's not fooling anybody, so we'll let him off the hook for now. I think he was emulating one of his heroes ... and that would be Randy "Tyrone" Braughton of Trailer Trash!

Maybe Corky will post from Hackensack (?)

(Basically, I'm running out of Corky-View ideas...)

Wedding Hootenanny w/ Trailer Trash!

Our band of bands is none other than the legendary Trailer Trash. To learn more about them, go check out their site:

(I'll get crazy and actually make this into a real link so folks don't have to copy/paste when I get further into the HTML world)

Nate Dungen from Trailer Trash adds to our excitement via email today:

"You know so often, it seems, people deny the power of the medium in which they work. Music is not just music.  A song is not just a song.  A dance is not just a dance.  These things matter,  no matter when and where you are.  They must be appreciated in order to be done properly, and vice versa.  That is why we are the perfect wedding band.  

Please let the word go forth to every artist, singer, player, puppeteer, and poet and invited guest.  We welcome their input and output.  We invite their collaboration, whether pertinent or impertinent.  Let's make this gig a living, breathing piece of fun.  If any one should have a song on the tip of their heart that evening, let them bring it to the bandstand.  Bring instruments, bring voices, bring the fun."

And that is precisely why we are SO excited to have them play at the reception! It's gonna be goo-ooo-ood!!

Corky-View #6 (A Monkey's Pile)

Corky is worried that Senate Monkeys may use the "Nuclear Option" to stop the minority party from filibustering unqualified pile judgments. Corky says, "The filibuster is one of the few tools the minority holds to protect itself from extreme judgments that hurt the minority's right to pile" and then he adds, " ... thus avoiding totalitarian leadership and preserving the democratic process and the freedom for all Americans to self-determine their own pile." I'm not sure where he's going with this, but the only thing Corky has ever been wrong about was his claim in 1995 that he had achieved cold-fusion and thus perpetual energy. The jury is out ...

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Chuck's Pile

Never one to be outdone, Chuck's pile is in the lead due to superior size and content.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Corky-View #5

As this rainy Saturday night draws closer to a close, Corky sends a message of hope. He says, "Keep your mind together and then keep it warmed by your mind being together."

Corky-View #4 (Romeo is Blessed)

To answer Nick's (aka anonymous) question (if indeed it was that particular "anonymous" -- I have a feeling there are a few):

"Is Corky ordained?" YES, he sure is ... in fact, he became a Cardinal nearly 8 years ago.

After confession, Romeo's penance was 2 Hail Marys and 2 Our Fathers. And that was just for sleeping on poor Rocky's bed. Corky knows how to keep 'em honest.

Corky-View #3 (Tidal Pull)

Again, I found the suddenly "blog-crazy" Corky asking me to snap a photo of his dough-centric chums in front of our dear friend Trisha Burr's painting/collage "Tidal Pull". Corky (a wearer of many hats and feather-complimented head-bands, he also fancies himself an art critic) interprets Trisha's piece as an homage to Pillsbury's famous couple (he saw a clue in the color of their eyes). I think he's pushing it. Trisha?

Corky-View #2 (The Flock)

Corky said, "Dude, get in here and get a shot of me with my home-flock....".

(What he really wants, I think, is that unopened bottle of Schlitz Malt Liquor from 1964!!! Mmmmmmm, now that's a "born-on" date!)

Greetings from Madtown

Being Scout, I left town Friday down hi-ways and bi-ways to Madison, WI for to see "The Freshman", aka Hannah Grace Jensen, my first born. Long time friend Rita Nagan, two of her three daughters (Mary Clare & Evelyn) and I made the trip to celebrate oldest daughter Lillian's 23rd birthday, who is also graduating in a few weeks. We met up for a mediocre dinner in a basement restaurant after checking into our hotel, but the company and the conversation was supreme. Rita and I exchanged a few glances last night that only mothers can understand .... a mixture of pride, adoration and utter confusion. We love our girls. They always exceed our best expectations! The only one missing was Kitty, who is spending the weekend with her dad in Minneapolis. But she'll be introduced soon enough.

I was also visited upon by the Rev B.R. "Doing That Which is Right" Johnson late last night. In addition to his ministerial capacities, he also has an uncanny ability to "find you" when you are having a hard time finding yourself, as he exhibited last night by materializing on a bar stool next to me at the Tornado Lounge. Yes. I was drinking alone at a bar in a party town at 1:45AM. Judge me if you must, but I was having a fine time scrawling lyrics on bar napkins, sipping a Jameson when The Rev appeared, making it look as if I had been waiting for him all along. Nice save, Your Holiness. We'll be seeing him again tonight, at the Birthday Bash, as he has been invited, and Rita will meet him for the first time.

There will be fotos soon.

Corky-View #1

This post begins what I am predicting to be a series of Corky-Views (Corky has been a monkey hand-puppet in my family for 60 years or so). Today, it is rainy (as Corky is pointing out). There is no activity in the yard. The dogs got wet and they stink. Kitty is eating fried eggs with pear slices and goat cheese. She sings, "It's a strange flavuh ... BUT IT'S GOOD!!!"

Troubles in 'Blog World ...

The ongoing struggle to manage/navigate time in this life is again challenged by my recent inability to post photos on the wedding 'blog. Hmmmm ..... do I spend the time now to dive into 'blog world and figure out why I keep getting error messages, or do I venture into the yard? I should venture into the yard .... so, for now just imagine the post below with a muddy/sweaty/smiling photo of a dude who's just finished a rugby match.

(UPDATE: It started raining, and somebody figured out HTML code all by himself! I'm so proud of myself .....)

And Wendy will soon get on it and start posting photos of loved ones on her side of the "aisle" (trail, path, yard, sidewalk?) so we have a "fair and balanced" layout of characters. Wha-Hooooooooo!!

Mark Dalton ("Emergency Usher Captain")

Meet Mark Dalton (He photographs well after Rugby matches).

"Sometimes there's a man, a man for his right time and place. And that's the dude." (The Big Lebowski)

Not only does Mark endeavor to scrum, but he rolls like many of the brave men of his generation who left their legacies on hill 238, at Khe San, and on the Mekong Delta. The Dude abides.

I've decided to put Mark in charge of ushering at the ceremony, and it's the perfect job for him because ... well ... we probably won't need any ushers --- but, in case one of those unpredictable ushering emergencies develops, I can think of no man better equiped to handle it; the dude can abide under pressure. And he's a great friend who has added a lot of unique color to my life over the years (so, I got that going for me).

Monday, April 11, 2005

Coyotes are Wailing

The dogs have risen from their blankets and pads and are now commenting back towards the howls of the local coyotes. (just a 12:30am update from the porch ... nothing too serious). But, we do have coyotes, and they wail like banshees ... and the dogs have to hold forth.

The Chore of Enchantment

Now you will witness me outing my own alias (which endured better intentions). I am, in fact, not Paul Isle, though I am, yet am really Brent Sigmeth (Wendy's Navigator). You will encounter this kind of spaghetti maelstrom when you, too, attempt to create an alias and still "send" to the friends and family. I have failed in my attempt to remain anonymous on my other web log. That's what's going on here. I'm shamed. Prosper and live on, Paul Isle, you were a hero ----- Paul (my middle name) and Isle (the street/avenue I grew up on). Try it for yourself (Wendy is: Maureen Temple). Please submit your equation if you feel it ...... (middle name and street you grew up on). You could say, "I am Lucille Oak" (as in: Lucille is my middle name and Oak is the street I grew up on .... blah blah blah). End of message,

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Found: Dog Essentials after a Long Winter

These are some of what melting snow reveals and this photograph will also serve as a precursor to the dog entry, which will follow in due time. The hairy toddlers keep us entertained, confused, frustrated some days and tethered to home often.

They were happy to find some of their toys .... and continue fighting over them in order to have important business to attend to.

Wendy's Pile

These may look like piles of gardening debris, but a psychologist might say that there is more revealed here than meets the eye.

Brent's Pile

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Three B's : Brent, Beer, Blog

Well, B has been making all the entries here for awhile.... and it was time for me to show up. But first I had to prove I could figure out, on my own, how to navigate the site. This morning, after days of frustration, I arrived. Navigation is not my long suit, which is why I am the Scout. I run around in circles or charge down straight lines into the unknown making strange and sometimes startling discoveries and B draws maps of where I've been, in case I'd like to re-visit. It's nice to have a bit of navigation around if I need it. And he seems to appreciate my adventursome nature. We get along.

So, here is the latest photograph of my B-lov-ed, my B-trothed, who can easily B found in this seasonal porch location, B-tween now and well, many years to come.

Rev. B.R. Johnson ("Doing That Which is Right")

Presiding over the sanctifying of our marriage will be lifelong friend, Boyce Johnson, a man of courage, intelligence, whimsy, and justice. You will see his rental car parked near the site with a window sign that reads, "Minister on Official Business". His interests include Locomotive Identification, Biking, Amphibious Vehicles, Cat Drumming, the Self-Storage Industry, and Robot Design.

Chuck Hoffman (Next best Guy #2)

Meet Chuck. He's my brother-in-law. He's a go-getter, grills a mighty fine steak, and is faster than the rest of us. He adores my sister, Kirsten, so I in turn adore him. It will be an super-honor to have Chuck up there with me (although I am a little afraid of potential groomsman pranks!).

Chad Nelson ("Next Best Guy")

Meet Chad. He's pretty cool. We do music stuff together. He's a south-paw. I might put him in charge of the industrial-size bubble machine. He's pretty accomplished at lighting a fire under me when I'm in recluse-mode. When Wendy and I were getting to know each other, I found myself talking about how awesome she was in a paddle-boat on a lake with Chad and some tumblers full of Jameson Irish Whisky -- he dug Wendy before he ever met her. More about Chad later ....

Lynn McMahon ("Next Best Gal")

Meet Lynn. She's fantastic. She was my first true sidekick. We've been friends for 20 years. There's no one else out there who could stand by me as a non-traditional groomsman! There are too many stories to choose from with Lynn to post, but the picture is worth a thousand words ...

Robert Fales ("Best Man")

Meet Bob Fales. AKA "Never-Ever-Fales".

In this photo, we see one of the many reasons why he will be standing next to me at the wedding --- he's looking at me as if to say, "Yes, Brent, it's 10 degrees outside and I'm fixing your brakes while you watch ...". Bob is kind of the yang to my yin. When I need an opinion about how to accomplish any task that the traditional "man" is expected to do (cut a tree down, replace a U-joint, sweat a copper pipe, or smoke some venison), he's right there for me. We artist types (Read the directions!) need friends like Bob to supply down-to-earth common sense sometimes, and Bob's my guy!

A few days ago, Bob invited me to help him paint one of those crazy stand-up figures on a big sheet of plywood with the face area cut out so some PTA carnival-goers can throw pies at whoever sits behind it. He had volunteered for the task. In his way, Bob used all the left-over paint from his house to mix the proper skin-tones and create a pink and green polka-dot dress for the woman figure. His palette was a paper plate. All of this was done in his machine shop surrounded by CAD machines and hand-made wooden frames to house injection-molding parts. I wish I had a photo to share.

We'll be posting photos of the entire wedding party one at a time with little character descriptions. Hopefully, they'll be entertaining.

Never Without an Audience ...

Just a random favorite photo of mine from the archives.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Wendy's Choice

There are mornings ... and then there are mornings when the man you have chosen awakes, sort-of dresses himself, and appears before you in a form such as this (in the photo above). Almost asking "Can I have some fresh air, and maybe then some breakfast ... sorry ... I probably look like a man who woke up too early".

My point is that I have the glorious existence right now of having the freedom to look at the clock (it says 1030am), throw on yesterday's clothes, and appear in the social-level first floor as a zombie with potential and have Wendy say --- "Look at you! You are so cute!" Which leads me to challenge you to look again at the photo I have posted and ask yourself: Is he cute? Assuming that you might say, "Not really so cute, Wendy", I ask you: What is a true marriage about? Seeing through the ideal of cuteness. maybe? I don't know ............. but, boy, don't I look cute?

cone o' snow

cone o' snow
Posted by: paulisle.
This is the very first photograph I took of my sweetness, Wendy. It was during our visit to the Minnesota State fair in 2003. It was a strange time --- she just being freed, me just being me in the reclusiveness of country living and pretty much alone (used to it). As we know now, it all worked out. I found my little go-getter snow-cone consumer with a story or 400. Hi there, Wendy ... maybe you should get on the rocket-ship and add some nuttiness yourself (I'm taunting you)? We (me, myself, and I) love the crap out of you --- you're a panda with little wings or a Koala with a huge voice. Will you marry me? Oh, wait, you already said hell yeah! Score!

(this is what happens when you try to keep a wedding blog semi-current ... bear/bare with me! And call me cute for doing it...)

Cannon River

Cannon River
Posted by: paulisle.
This is the Cannon River below our house in February (taken by one of my Best Men's husband, Scott Andre). What's up with rivers anyway? I love rivers, don't you? Rivers ..... hmmmmmm. More on rivers later ...

Porch Open! Let the Season Begin!

When the porch opens each Spring, our cozy cabin-fever world unfolds into open-air splendor. During the next six months, the porch will host every colorful story from every colorful visitor that renews our life on a daily basis. A certain kind of addicting love-bubble hovers above in this room of rooms -- a battery-pack of renewable energy.

(How's that for some Springtime optimism or maybe pushing the envelope of fantasy writing induced by allergy medicine and strong coffee?)

(This post goes out to Nick in Colorado who was disappointed that there were no new posts this week for him to post snide, cryptic, and weakly anonymous responses to! -- we'll meet you on the porch, Nick ... our wireless DSL does reach that far!)

Friday, April 01, 2005

Today's Special Message

I'm in a generous mood, today. This little cartoon pretty much says it all. (taken from the archives of Rev. Boyce Johnson).

P.S. Not sure how this relates to the Wendy and I, but then again ... such a positive message!