Our band of bands is none other than the legendary Trailer Trash. To learn more about them, go check out their site:
(I'll get crazy and actually make this into a real link so folks don't have to copy/paste when I get further into the HTML world)
Nate Dungen from Trailer Trash adds to our excitement via email today:
"You know so often, it seems, people deny the power of the medium in which they work. Music is not just music. A song is not just a song. A dance is not just a dance. These things matter, no matter when and where you are. They must be appreciated in order to be done properly, and vice versa. That is why we are the perfect wedding band.
Please let the word go forth to every artist, singer, player, puppeteer, and poet and invited guest. We welcome their input and output. We invite their collaboration, whether pertinent or impertinent. Let's make this gig a living, breathing piece of fun. If any one should have a song on the tip of their heart that evening, let them bring it to the bandstand. Bring instruments, bring voices, bring the fun."
And that is precisely why we are SO excited to have them play at the reception! It's gonna be goo-ooo-ood!!